Article: Multicontact Co-operativity in Spike-Timing–Dependent Structural Plasticity Stabilizes Networks

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6041941 Excitatory synaptic connections in the adult neocortex consist of multiple synaptic contacts, almost exclusively formed on dendritic spines. Changes of dendritic spine shape and volume, a correlate…

A generalizable model of spike-timing dependent plasticity for the Neural Simulation Tool (NEST)

https://github.com/zifeo/nest-stdpmodule This is a bachelor semester project carried out at the Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience from Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne. It was supervised by Alex Seeholzer…

Compiling NEST on OSX 10.8

Trying to install NEST on a OSX 10.8 machine and getting a [code] sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence[/code] error on make install? It seems OSX Lion has some issues with…